The soft spongy tissue inside the bones is called bone marrow. Most of the body’s blood cells develop and get stored in the bone marrow. Bone marrow transplant is a special therapy for cancer patients. It is a medical procedure to replace bone marrow that has been damaged by chemotherapy or disease. This procedure involves removing stem cells from bone marrow, filtering those cells, and placing them again in the patient.
The goal of a Bone Marrow Transplant is to replace the unhealthy bone marrow of a patient with healthy bone marrow cells. This medical procedure transfuses healthy bone marrow cells into the patient. If you are looking for Bone Marrow transplants in India, contact with CareAssist Wellness Pvt. Ltd. We will search for you the best doctor for a bone marrow transplant.
Why Is a Bone Marrow Transplant Necessary?
Bone Marrow Transplant is a medical procedure to cure many types of cancer and other diseases. When high doses of chemotherapy destroy or damages bone marrow stems cells, BMT is needed. Moreover, when bone marrow gets permanently damaged by disease, Bone Marrow Transplant is necessary.
Bone Marrow Transplant cost in India is high but we arrange cost-effective treatment for you. BMT can be used to;
- Replace unhealthy bone marrow stem cells with healthy functioning bone marrow for leukemia and aplastic anemia.
- Regenerate a new immune system
- Restore normal function of bone marrow stem cells after high doses of chemotherapy to treat malignancy.
- Prevent more damage from Hurler’s syndrome
Types Of Bone Marrow Transplant
Two types of Bone Marrow transplants are autologous transplants and allogeneic transplants. The type depends on who the donor is.
Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant
In an Autologous bone marrow transplant, stem cells are taken from the patient and given back to him after a damaging therapy to cells. The patient himself is a donor.
Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant
The patient himself is not the donor. The donor and the patient must have a close genetic match. In allogeneic BMT, you can take stem cells from a compatible relative. You can also choose the donor having genetic matches from the donor registry.
While an autologous transplant can only be used when you have healthy bone marrow, an allogeneic transplant is used when your bone marrow stem cells are damaged. While autologous BMT has a lower risk of serious complications like GVHD, allogeneic BMT has a higher risk of GVHD.
How Is BMT Performed?
Bone Marrow Transplant in India is done by replacing unhealthy stem cells with healthy stem cells. The procedure of BMT is the same as a blood transfusion. In the case of an allogeneic transplant, bone marrow stem cells are harvested from your donor two days before your procedure. In the case of an autologous bone marrow transplant, after recovering from a stem cell bank, your stem cells are used. Stem cells are gathered from both hipbones with the help of a needle. You won’t feel pain because you will be under anesthesia.
CareAssist Wellness Suggesting Best Doctor For Bone Marrow Transplant In India
CareAssist Wellness Pvt. Ltd is the best medical facilitator in India. We assist you to find the best doctor for bone marrow transplants in India. Contact us soon if you are looking for assistance with your cancer treatment in India. Our dedicated team is always ready to serve you and to give free consultations to you.